A Nothing Day, and Not Even an Opening for a Haiku.

Dear Diary, Today was a nothing day. Nothing in the heart to paint and nothing on that white canvas taunting me in the corner. Nothing on the stove cooking and nothing on the scale that resembles good news. Nothing on TV and nothing to tell my mom to watch. Nothing. But I paid my bills today. I watched, read, and listen the the news as much as I could tolerate, which was not much. I tried a mango. Yuck. But what is exciting is:

I am creating a series of small abstract paintings. It’s about people and the things they do. I want to capture the attitudes. I have my next drawing in mind, but tomorrow I am getting a tablet that I intend to use for drawing, so I am waiting to do the drawing and thumbnails. It will become painting seven. The pic below was supposed to be painting seven, but I can’t get to minimal forms. I will come back to it, in time.

This started in painter 6 then moved to microsoft’s paint. OMG I so don’t want to learn all the functions of a software! Give me pencils, smudgers, and color and paint buckets, and move them to the far corners, and I am a happy girl! Any suggestions on simple drawing software for windows would be appreciated.